Massage by Morada

Pregnancy Massage

We provide compassionate nurturing touch that is skillfully tailored to pregnant and post-partum women.  In addition to relief for common discomforts such as sciatica and low back pain, pregnancy massage can induce deep relaxation and calm serenity for both baby and mom-to-be!

Benefits of Prenatal Massage
•    Increases circulation
•    Promotes deep relaxation
•    Eases anxiety and reduces depression
•    Increases the mother baby bond
•    Reduces upper and lower back, pelvic, and hip pain 
•    Improves the oxygenation of soft tissue and muscles
•    Regulates Hormones 
•    Increases Immunity
•    Helps keep blood pressure in check 
•    Assists in maintaining good posture and helps women adjust to the
continuous realignment as the baby grows
•    Reduces Edema 
•    Improves Nerve pain, including sciatic pain
•    Improves labor outcomes and newborn health
•    Improved digestion and relieves acid indigestion
•    Improves skin elasticity
•    Reduces headaches
•    Enhances sleep
•    Relieves leg cramps
•    Reduces Fatigue
•    Alleviates stress on weight-bearing joints
•    Offers a natural relief to the discomforts of labor
•    Provides emotional support and nurturing touch during pregnancy and

Associated Bodywork & Massage Professionals
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